1st Place CEE Startup Challenge

Technology Provider of the Year, 2020

MY-GATEWAY startup competition, 2019

The all-in-one solution
Adopting digital transformation strategies by automating from customer-facing to back-office activities is a top priority for businesses. Now you can have all core power & gas business processes within one system, with a complete coverage for all markets roles, in a flexible, integrated and automated manner.
- Get everything from a single partner. One solution – any process.
- Reduce costs with standardized and individually designed applications.
- Map any market processes in a highly automated manner
Power Up
your Business
GeFEE is a full-pack suite of products, for power & gas markets, that can be used for sales, data management, automatic processes, payments, customer care & management, and reporting. All business processes are efficiently managed by the platform with a 360° covering of all your company's business flows. To top that off, the products come with built-in workflow processes!
Efficient management processes
Streamlined admin processes
attractive business reports that enhance your credibility
Human error prevention
Customized solution
What you get by using our solutions
We can improve your end customer experience. Faster integration across tools - automate 50+ processes and workflows.
Don’t know which of the products suits your business needs?
Keep reading to find out!
Save up precious time by automating your power production process management
GeFEE Power Production can be used both by power producers for the management of daily business activities, as well as by companies that provide asset management services for the producers. You can easily and safely manage the technical information about the production units that the company has in its portfolio and production information.
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Be scalable and get faster! Access your data from anywhere in the world
GeFEE Power Trading is a flexible and scalable trading platform. And because GeFEE is easy to implement, you can achieve market compliance faster. The platform supports the whole business lifecycle, with smart and suggestive charts about the trend of the trading activity. Track tasks & events in real time and increase your team’s productivity.
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Find out which are your hottest deals and focus on nurturing customer relationships
Manage leads & contracts more efficiently with the help of a comprehensive CRM & ERP solution. GeFEE Power & Gas Supply provides a good overview of the business, improves the supplier’s ability to make decisions quickly, based on accurate indicators and data. So, get instant access to real-time insights into your sales opportunities!
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Streamline your business by automating resource management and reporting
Energy suppliers now have to adapt to industry disruptions! GeFEE platform is a market-ready solution that is designed around core market requirements that ensure that you can face your obligations as a market participant. The flexibility of the platforms allows them to be easily adapted to any legislative change, regardless of the country.
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Increase the efficiency of balancing specific operations flow. Focus on optimising your portfolio!
GeFEE Power Balancing is a working instrument that increases the efficiency of the Balancing Responsible Party specific operations flow and optimizes the business processes. Your business will be more clear, in a blink of a second. All reports and data, are stored digital, with a secured access for your staff.
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Adapt to your customer's needs. They expect it!
Find out which are your hottest deals and focus on nurturing customer relationships. Seamlessly integrate our CRM & ERP solutions with your systems through a custom-developed solution designed specifically for your needs. Front office to back office needs are met. You have access all clients’ data with a few clicks to provide fast and reliable feedback to the client.
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Find out what makes us unique
What makes us unique is our thorough understanding of the power and gas market which allows us to offer our clients the right solutions for their needs. We build platforms that offer digital energy management solutions, to provide a complete image on the business, increase the company’s ability to make quick decisions, based on correct indicators and data. Your business, in the new technology, in only a few weeks!

Growceanu platform signs a strategic partnership with the start-up PROCESIO

PROCESIO & Modex join forces to deploy no/low-code-backed blockchain automation

Platforma PROCESIO, dezvoltată de Ringhel și finanțată cu peste 1 milion de euro, s-a lansat global
Proiect de divizare parțială - desprindere în interesul asociaților - a societății Ringel Team SRL
În conformitate cu reglementările legale aplicabile și cu scopul de a informa publicul și partenerii de afaceri, vă aducem la cunoștință că a fost demarat procesul de divizare parțială a Ringhel Team SRL. Prin acest proces, o parte din patrimoniul Ringhel Team, respectiv linia de activitate aferentă aplicațiilor GeFEE Power&Gas care acoperă întregul flux de activitate business al jucătorilor români din sectorul de energie și gaz (furnizare, producție, distribuție, echilibrare și trading) (“linia de activitate GeFEE”) va fi transferată către o către o societate nou constituită ca urmare a divizării, Gefee Technologies S.A.
În urma acestei divizări, linia de activitate aferentă sistemului Procesio realizat ca o platformă de dezvoltare software de tip IPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) care oferă soluții scalabile de tip low-code, no-code și full-code pentru întreprinderi din diverse industrii (“linia de activitate Procesio”) va rămâne la nivelul Ringhel Team. Astfel, după implementarea procesului de divizare parțială, activitatea curentă a Ringhel Team va fi desfășurată de două entități juridice independente din cadrul grupului nostru. Ringhel Team va continua să dezvolte linia de activitate Procesio, în timp ce Gefee Technologies se va concentra pe dezvoltarea liniei de activitate GeFEE.
Divizarea nu va afecta în niciun fel capacitatea Ringhel Team de a-și îndeplini obligațiile față de partenerii de afaceri. Procesul de divizare va produce efecte începând cu data înregistrării la Registrul Comerţului a societatii Gefee Technologies SA.