
Our partners confirm that the projects implemented together with us were successful. That motivates us to constantly improve, ourselves and our products.

The supplier CEZ Vanzare is always in search of digitalization solutions, both at the operational leveland at the level of the service portfolio it offers to its customers.In the natural gas sector, CEZ Vanzare has proposed to expand its activity, opting for a software platformthat optimizes the billing service of natural gas customers as well as the management of salesspecialists.The software platforms developed by Ringhel have met all our requirements, and the professionalism,training and conduct of the Ringhel team have laid the foundation for a solid partnership since 2016.We continue to appreciate the promptness with which we collaborate, as well as the quality level of theservices provided by the Ringhel company.Throughout our collaboration, Ringhel has proven every time some of the essential elements for efficientsoftware development: involvement, strong business knowledge related to the natural gas market, aswell as carrying out well-documented analyzes on new developments. 

Melania COZEA
Director of the Natural Gas Department

While initially circumspect, we implemented the GeFEE platform due to the need to simply our activity, to make our work easier. We are happy now to have trusted this platform and the Ringhel company. They showed to us that they are reliable, committed and that this platform is not only useful, but also necessary. It will be a long term partnership, for sure.

Aurelia MOCANU
Energy Supply Manager

E.ON Energy Romania has chosen to use the software platforms developed by Ringhel Team because they have proven professionalism and a deep understanding of the power and natural gas field. They demonstrated a very high capacity to translate their business knowledge into flexible software solutions that responded to the specific requirements of our company. Thus, Ringel Team complied with our technical requirements promptly and collaborated with us as a reliable partner that met our needs.We recommend Ringhel as a proactive partner, capable of managing complex processes offering software services at the highest standards.

Head of Power Procurement Department, E.ON Romania

Given the expansion of MET Romania Energy in Romania, we have looked for solutions that cover allthe activities we carry out: supply and trading of energy and natural gas, as well as balancing services.Ringhel responded with professionalism and fit well into our technical requirements and demonstratedthat it is a trusted provider/partner responsive to our needs.We use all platforms developed by Ringhel and we appreciate the promptness with which they havetreated our interventions, but also the support granted in the efficient use of platforms.We recommend Ringhel and it is worthy of appreciation that Romanian company managed to develop acomplex and complete system that covers faithfully numerous work processes for markets that are socomplex and constantly changing, such as the energy and gas markets in Romania.


During the implementation of the GeFEE platform, created by Ringhel, we had a very good collaboration with the company. The implementation was successful. It made us expand our collaboration with the acquisition of the “GeFEE for Web” module. Together with our partner Ringhel, we would like to improve the acquired platform in view of expanding and maintaining the market share.

Mircea BICA

Restart Energy has chosen to use the services and platforms developed by Ringhel because the Ringhel team has a solid knowledge in the field of energy and natural gas and understands the markets very well, and this can be seen in the maturity of the platforms, and also in the way of their development.Considering the typology of the energy and gas business and the numerous changes in the market, Ringhel showed promptness throughout the entire collaboration and represented a real support for us and for the management of our activities.Also, Ringhel has always demonstrated openness and flexibility in adjusting platforms to the specificity of our company, so that we can faithfully cover all aspects of our activity.Restart Energy uses the energy, gas and CRM platforms developed by Ringhel and we warmly recommend the Ringhel partner, as a trusted, proactive partner close to the needs and requirements of customers.

Armand Doru DOMUTA

The Energy Transition Services Team of ENGIE Romania together with Ringhel developed the firstapplication that can fully manage the processes from the activity of a Balancing Responsible Party forPower Market in Romania. Throughout the development of the GEFEE BRP application, we have hadthe opening and involvement of all Ringhel team members in order to obtain a solution that is as easy aspossible to adapt to the changing market demands. Any new request from the ENGIE Romania teamreceived an answer and a resolution due to the seriousness and innovative spirit that our partner hasshown. Many thanks to the Ringhel team!

Head of Energy Transition Services

ADERRO GP ENERGY successfully uses the GeFEE platform. During our entire collaboration, Ringhel has been highly professional and prompt, but also available to solve various issues that occurred after the implementation of this software solution. At the same time, both during the implementation of the GeFEE software and after that, Ringhel has proven to be a reliable and firm partner in taking over and processing suggestions, as well as in adapting, transposing or integrating them in the GeFEE platform. We warmly recommend Ringhel as a collaborator oriented towards solutions and the client.

Relu Viorel MITITELU

We are happy to collaborate with Ringhel, a company that not only was able to organize logically and efficiently our energy supplying activity, but also to come up with solutions and alternatives. We appreciate their activity and openness to continuously improve the platform depending on our needs and suggestions. After one year of collaboration, we are convinced we’ve made the right choice, thus using the high quality services of a professional team.

Energy Supply Manager

First of all, GENERAL COM INVEST SRL wishes to thank the RINGHEL team for its support in the implementation of the GeFEE platform, which has visibly increased the ease with which we work as energy suppliers. RINGHEL has a deep knowledge of the field, with a practical experience and a very solid information base. Based on continuous efforts, the company continuously improves its services, making them as efficient, optimum and safe as possible. The GeFEE platform has made our work easier with regard to the management of the supply, distribution, trading contracts and not only, with regard to the generation of hourly consumption forecasts, the creation of reports to competent authorities, rapid and correct invoicing, the management of the payments and of the collections, as well as of the contracts with the partners, warnings related to activities that need to be performed on short notice, rapid and correct reporting to the authorities – OPCOM, ANRE, Transelectrica and, last but not least, the generation of energy sale/purchase offers on the PZU platform. In conclusion, the products and services offered by Ringhel took into account our company’s development needs and, due to their compliance with the legal applicable standards, both national and European, we can continue to provide our clients with optimum, complete and reliable services.

Head of Customer services Department

RWE started collaborating with RINGHEL in 2014, by acquiring the GeFEE Energy platform.Appreciating the good collaboration with RINGHEL, our company decided to extend the collaborationwith RINGHEL by purchasing the GeFEE Gas platform.We chose to collaborate with RINGHEL due to the high quality of the services provided and theefficiency of the implementation process, but also due to the know-how in the energy and natural gasfields, one of the most important criteria in our choice.At the same time, the RINGHEL’s team, through the professionalism of its members, has always offeredsupport in choosing the most suitable and optimal solutions for our requests.In conclusion, we recommend RINGHEL, as a professional and reliable partner and we appreciate itsquality services and the flexibility of the offered solutions - qualities that differentiate it favorably from itscompetitors

Head of Billing & Debt Management Department