Integrations & Automations
The ability to keep the company agile
GeFEE Automation Services
Automation Services is one of the important tools that every energy business is needed to expand his portfolio, without generating extra costs on the administrative side. Make more valuable human labor through GeFEE Automation Services!
Automated invoicing process
You can generate invoices (and consumption reports) in pdf & sign with electronic signature if provided and send them electronically to clients. Invoices could be generated in the needed format by the print processor if there is such 3rd party involved & send the generated files to the printing company to be delivered by the currier.
Accounting status
Connect and import payment files from payment processors based on payments made scanning the barcode of the invoice. You can create automatic payment to invoice reconciliation based on company rules.
Data processing
Pre-process data from the database for post-processing tasks or reports based on predefined rules
Automations flows
Execution of Configurable Business Processes Automation (BPA) flows (Trace Map)

Your business, in the new technology, in only a few weeks
Start your Digital Transformation right now. We build platforms that offer digital energy management solutions, to provide a complete image on the business, increase the company’s ability to make quick decisions, based on correct indicators and data.