GeFEE Power Supply

Simplify the complex with GeFEE - a flexible platform, validated by many successful implementations.

GeFEE Client Self Desk

Now, it’s easy to connect
to your customer!

Find out which are your hottest deals and focus on nurturing customer relationships. Seamlessly integrate our CRM & ERP solutions with your systems through a custom-developed solution designed specifically for your needs.

Easy access to all data

Easy access to all data

Locations, meters, consumption, invoices, payments, account sheet, contracts

Online payment

Online payment

Easy way to pay the invoices via Credit Card or Crypto Currency: Bitcoin, Etherium

Client reading of meters

Client reading of meters

Client reading functionality for meters directly from the portal or via IVR

Complaints & Requests Management

Complaints & Requests Management

Complaint registration form with automatic workflow


GeFEE Front Desk

Fast feedback to the client

Designed for front office & call centers, GeFEE Front desk is a key element in maintaining current customers and expanding the customer portfolio. Access all clients’ data with a few clicks to provide fast and reliable feedback to the client.

Contractual data

Contractual data

Locations, meters, consumption, invoices, payments, account sheet, contracts

Prices & Conditions

Prices & Conditions

Easy way to pay the invoices via Credit Card or Crypto Currency: Bitcoin, Etherium

Invoices, consmution, offers

Invoices, consmution, offers

Client reading functionality for meters directly from the portal or via IVR

Complaints & Requests Management

Complaints & Requests Management

Complaint registration form with automatic workflow

GeFEE Front desk can be easily configured through various system settings and automatic tasks. You can easily use predefined templates of documents, with the possibility of customizing them, using images, tables, graphs, technical information, dynamic fields.

GeFEE Sales Agent

Manage leads more efficiently

Easily makes offers with elements specific to the energy market. Automates sales processes and generates new sales opportunities.

Sales Management

Sales Management

Monitoring sales activity, Portfolio management, Customers & sales agent map, Events managements

Sales Document Creator

Sales Document Creator

Templates (offer, contracts, switching documents); Automatic conversion of offers into contract; Create & manage contract addenda

Commisions & Bonuses

Commisions & Bonuses

Offer pricing rules; Commission & Bonus rules; Invoice calculation of the agent’s commission


Top reasons you should choose GeFEE Power Supply

All - in - one100%

All core power business processes within one system, with complete coverage for all market roles.

Get organized100%

Get organized and avoid losing track of leads, deals, and their status. Now, you can go live quickly!

Save time100%
Track your team’s activity and  increase productivity. Save time managing customers by automating processes.
Get faster100%
Our platforms reduce the risk of mistakes and will enable you to respond much faster to market situations.
Be scalable100%
Operate data from anywhere in the world. We provide long-term support ensuring high-quality solutions.

Your business, in the new technology, in only a few weeks

Start your Digital Transformation right now. We build platforms that offer digital energy management solutions, to provide a complete image on the business, increase the company’s ability to make quick decisions, based on correct indicators and data.